The work of Dominica Rohozinski, Harmon lab, and Dae Kwan Ko, Chen lab, is published in PLOS Genetics in a paper titled "Temporal Shift of Circadian-Mediated Gene Expression and Carbon Fixation Contributes to Biomass Heterosis in Maize Hybrids". This paper describes the relationship between expression of maize CCA1-like genes and metabolic vigor. This work was supported by an NSF Plant Genome Research Program grant awarded to Frank Harmon and Z. Jeffrey Chen. The title of the project is 'Genomic and Functional Analysis of Circadian Rhythms and Growth Vigor in Maize'. The grant was first awarded on March 1, 2013, and is expected to continue for three years. Click here to read the grant abstract of the grant proposal.
University of California, Berkeley | Plant & Microbial Biology